Potential Quantitative Research Titles Suitable For Grade 12 Students
Being a student is a charm in itself as everything is planned and executed under full guidance. Some consider themselves as a student for a lifetime rather, other students’ life ends once they pass Grade 12. It is also debatable like many other potential Quantitative research titles that are suitable for grade 12 students.
What is the impact of social media on academic performance, how do breakfast, parental involvement, school environment, and music affect the academic performance of school students? How the research is to be done and what factors are to be kept in kind has been specified in this article.

So, if you are planning to conduct a survey correlating to the academic performance of students with different factors then you have reached at right place as this article will help you in your endeavors.
How Does Social Media Impact the Academic Performance
For researching this topic background information on the prevalence of social media usage is required. So, the usage of social media by High School students is mandatory to specify along with the discussion about the impact of the same on the Academic performance of pupils. Along with a mandatory set of questions
Now, to set questions an idea is required and for the same, it is compulsory to go through research papers that state the relation between Social Media usage and the academic Performance of Students in high school. In the process, it is mandatory to note down the loopholes and work on them to overcome the issue. Once the case study has been done, a good methodology should be planned. In which the type of research is specified whether it is experimental or survey. Apart from measuring the academic performance counterpart to social media.
Once the methodology is outlined the next step is to collect the relevant data following the specified norms. Followed by a proper analysis of the relationship of two major variables ( social media usage and academic performance). Later, create a summary of the research and compare the same with prior research done on the same topic. The final step is to specify the significance of the research done from your end along with guidelines for further research on the same topic.
Impact of Music Listening Habits on Concentration Level
To, carry out this research first and foremost step is to note down the importance of focus while studying and the correlation between music and focus. As this is one of the potential Quantitative research titles So, questions will also be based on the same correlation. The next step is to go through any sort of available research done on the same topic and look for any gaps or rifts in prior research.
The next step is to specify the method by which research will be concluded, which means whether it will be a survey or experimental. Once the method is decided it is important to go for Data Collection that too from the people, who understand the survey and provide genuine information. Once the Data is collected, then Analysis of Data is required in which the relation between music and focus will be analyzed. Along with other factors like Volume of music, type of Music, etc. After analysis, a summarization of the outcome is mandatory. Now, reflect upon, how the survey will help in boosting the academic performance of the students. To, sum up, specify the significance of the research done along with any potential area for further research in the future.
The Relationship Between Breakfast Consumption and Academic Performance
Specify the importance of a healthy breakfast in the proper functioning of the brain and its relation to academic performance. Set a list of questions highlighting the relationship between breakfast and academic performance. The next step is to go through the existing research papers on the same topic and analyze their results and key highlights along with the identification of gaps. Before going for Data Collection it is mandatory to specify the type of methodology that will be utilized along with other factors that could be considered like age, location, and social status.
Data collection is quite a tricky thing that requires genuine participation along with reliable and valid measures. So, for this research collect the data from school students. Now using the reliable method to analyze, and explore the relation between breakfast and the academic performance of students. Once the analysis is done, compare the outcome with the previous findings on the same topic and note down the potential research that can be carried out on the same topic
Correlation Between Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement
For researching the same topic specifying the importance of parents in educating their kids and how it impacts academic achievement. This topic is not only relevant for parents but it is equally important for students and policy makers. Therefore, making it as potential Quantitative research titles. The list of questions should also be based on the same. To formulate good questions deep study of previous research papers on the same topic is required in which the correlation between parental involvement and academic performance is highlighted.
The next step is to specify the type of methodology that will be used to conduct research. So, for this list down the ways how parental involvement will be measured, and what methods and strategies will be used for the same. Now, comes the Data collection, which collects the appropriate data from genuine people, who understand the importance of the survey and wholeheartedly support in this research. Once the Data is collected analyze the correlation between academic performance and parental involvement. Finally summarize the report stating the limitations and potential for further research on the same topic.
Effects of School Environment on Student Well-being and Academic Performance
To research the relationship between the school environment and the academic performance of students proper specification of the school environment is required as part of the introduction where different aspects are highlighted physical environment, social environment, the culture of the school, and basic ethical norms followed by the school are taken into consideration. Therefore this topic is potential Quantitative research title for policy makers as well keeping the same in mind, the set of questions is to be prepared. Before this, a deep study of previous research papers on the same topic is required and in this process identify the inconsistency that comes across while going through the existing research. The next step is to specify the methodology in which the survey will be conducted.
Collect the Data along with a focus on selecting the schools, that understand the purpose of the survey and henceforth, have genuine intentions to support it. Analyze the collected data and explore the relationship between students’ performance and the school environment. Finally, summarize the research and list down the limitations along with areas, where further research can be conducted on the same topic.
Some of the other topics on which you can carry out research are:
- How does peer pressure impact the academic performance of student?
- How does early childhood training influence academic achievements in later years?
- Is there any correlation between the size of the school and the academic performance of students?
- Does single parenting impact the academic life of students in any way?
- What is the significance of Education tourism in student’s life?
- How does performance in academics boost self-esteem?
- What sort of sex education is required in this sci-fi era?
- What are the increasing concerns in the development of the Gen Z population?
So, being a grade 12 student, if you want to conduct quantitative research then opting for these topics is more appropriate because every child has been through the stage of exploring how parental involvement affects studies and how the environment of school generates thoughts in a human being leading to impacting the day to day activities. Skipping breakfast on certain days leads to less or no concentration in class and how listening to favorite music generates good ideas along with enhancement of focus.
Henceforth, the previously listed topics are potential quantitative research topics for grade 12 students.