On Saturday, 25th May 2024, the sixth round of polling took place across fifty-eight Lok Sabha seats from six states and two UTs. However, a few seats were hot topics throughout the election. But Haryana being a state was a region of speculation all the time. The main reason was the large shift of voters from being supporters of the ruling party to being supported by the opposition party this analysis was done by the political experts a few months before the elections itself.
Ambala has been in the news for several reasons throughout. It is one of the two reserved seats in the state. It is the same region that PM Modi chose for his campaigning rally when the farmer’s protest was going on the Shambhu border( border between Haryana and Punjab).
A significant number of people turned out to cast their votes. Majority of them had several issues to think about and respond to by clicking the right button with the hope of solving their problems.
Apart from being famous for mangoes, and old city vibes, the cantonment area. Ambala is also renowned for its Cloth market. As it is the largest cloth market in Indian Subcontinent. Famous for different types of clothes. People from different states explore Ambala’s cloth market to purchase clothes for their special occasions.
In 2019, all the 10 Lok Sabha seats were won by the BJP, and even in Assembly elections BJP turned out as winning party and formed a government after a coalition with JJP. But lots and lots of things changed in these 5 years and the majority of people shifted their interest towards the Congress Party. As a result, in the votes cast on Saturday, the majority of people supported the Congress party candidate Varun Chaudhary. Instead of BJP candidate Banto Katartia, for whom the PM was campaigning. Some of the major concerns that agitated people to change their preferences include- farmers’ protests, mistreatment of women wrestlers, targeting of one community, unemployment, and inflation.
Hopefully, this 2024 Lok Sabha election turn out in the favor of the majority of people and some good governance will be done in reality rather than on paper.